Pacific Youth Parliament is fortunate to have a team of dedicated and passionated individuals exerting optimal effort into making this conference a possibility.
With that, we proudly present the Pacific Youth Parliament Board of Secretariat and staff members.

Vanessa Michaela Jaya
Secretary General
Greetings everyone! My name is Vanessa, an 11th grader from NationalHigh Jakarta School, and I am honored to be serving as the Secretary-General of Pacific Youth Parliament.
It is undeniable that various changes have occurred throughout the past years, and there are still many pertinent issues to be resolved by us as a global community. Bearing this in mind, I sincerely wish that Pacific Youth Parliament and its theme of adapting to an ever-evolving world will inspire you to think critically and collaborate with others to find a resolution to ongoing humanitarian crises.
I hope that this conference will open many new doors of opportunities to you, and I look forward to seeing you all in March.
Davi Rafa Radhitya Pandi
Director General
Salutations delegates! My name is Davi, a Senior Year Student from Global Sevilla Pulomas, serving as your Director-General. I hope you all experience something new and exciting in this conference, Godspeed Delegates.

Mohammad Imam Prabowo
Chief of Staff
Hi, my name is Mohammad Imam Prabowo and I'm really looking forward to be the Chief of Staff of Pacific Youth Parliament. I have done MUN for almost a year now and I can safely say it is one of my favorite things to do. Whether it is to improve your public speaking skills, your urge of competition or just having fun MUN offers - all that and more. Thus I hope you all have a great time in Pacific Youth Parliament. Best of luck delegates!

Richelle Lim
Under Secretary-General
Welcome delegates to PYP! I’m Richelle Lim, an 11th Grader from Springfield School, serving as the USG of Academics for this model parliament. Do seize the moment and enjoy the process in your councils, they’d be great fun!

Muhammad Bey Ali
Deputy Under Secretary-General
Hello Everyone, My name is Bey I am going to serve as your Deputy USG of Academics. I hope you all have great time at this conference!

Daffa Alifindra Rabin
Staff Member
Hi everyone, my name is Daffa Rabin and I'm a junior year student from Mentari School Jakarta with a very keen interest in polticial and international. With the help of PYP, I hope that MUNers across the world can remain well informed about the wonders of diplomacy!
Communications, Delegate Relations, & Marketing

Rafi Rahman Yahdieka
Under Secretary-General
Hi guys!! My name is Rafi and I am a Year 9 student from Global Sevilla Pulo Mas and I will be serving as the USG of CDRM in the Pacific Youth Parliament!! I hope many of you can join this conference, and I'll be sure to look forward to meeting y'all!

Jessie Felicia Siauw
Deputy Under Secretary-General
Hey everyone! I’m Jessie, an 11th grader at GMIS and it's a pleasure to be serving as the DUSG of CDRM for PYP! I hope that the conference will be a success, and that everyone will enjoy it!

Alexa Shakila Hattari
Staff Member
Hi! My name is Alexa and I am part of PYP's Marketing and Communications team. I'm so excited to be working with such a great team and I can't wait for what's next!
Internal / Technical Affairs

Prabu Abhirama Rasendriya
Under Secretary-General
Hi, My name is Prabu and I am going to serve as your USG of Internal/Technical Affairs. I hope you all have a fun time during this conference!
Justin Tandjung
Deputy Under Secretary-General
Hi everyone! I'm Justin and I'll be your DUSG of Technical/Internal Affairs for PYP. Can't wait to see what you accomplish in this conference!
Cintana Yingwattanathaworn
Staff Member
Hi! I'm Cintana, an 11th grader who's currently studying in NHJS. It's a pleasure to be working with the PYP team.

Niki Callista Tanamal
Under Secretary-General
Hi! My name is Niki and I am the USG of Finance for Pacific Youth Parliament! I believe that Model Parliament is a wonderful platform that allows you to meet many different people for you to expand your network, especially in PYP.
Creative Design

Jordan Tandjung
Under Secretary-General
Hi! I’m Jordan and I’m a 11th Grader at SLI. I will be serving as the USG of Design for PYP, and I really hope you all will enjoy the designs we’ll make for the conference!
Chloe Boenardy
Staff Member
Hello! I’m Chloe, an 11th grader from SLI, and I’m grateful to be part of PYP as one of the creative designers. Looking forward to do what I love while also giving back to the community!
Johannes Hendrik Spies
Staff Member
Hi, my name is Johannes, but you can call me Josh, I'm very excited to be part of Pacific Youth Parliament!
Harsh Krishna
Staff Member
Hi everybody, my name is Harsh, and I'm part of the Creative Design team for PYP. Let's all have fun and have a meaningful time in PYP.
Rania Laksmi Hutami
Staff Member
I’m Rania and I’m looking forward to contributing to the creative design team for PYP!