Dewan Perwakilan R​akyat

Prohibition of Alcohol

The Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), also known as the House of Representatives, is one of two elected national legislative assemblies in Indonesia. Formed on August 29, 1945, this legislative body aims to prepare a national legislation program, prepare and discuss draft laws, accept the bill submitted by the Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD), discuss bills proposed by the President or DPD, establish laws together with the President, and many more.
In Indonesia, the prohibition of alcohol is still disputed. As of now, Indonesia has recognized a country of six religions, five of which forbid the consumption of alcohol. Bearing this in mind, in addition to citing the adverse effects of alcoholism, conservatives argue that alcohol should be banned in Indonesia while the more liberal demographic argues to allow alcohol in Indonesia. The issue has gained relevance most recently upon the proposal of a bill potentially banning alcohol consumption, which garnered both appraisal and criticism from the people.
It’s up to you in the DPR council to resolve this issue and make the right choice for Indonesia once and for all.